Writing into a Text File in Gosu

To write into a text file in gosu we can use the FileWriter as follows:

using(var writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("<FILENAME>"))) {
  writer.write("<TEXT>")  // Writes a text to into a file.
  writer.flush() // Must be at the last.
Token Description
FILENAME The target filename to write into.
TEXT The text to write into the filename. You can write as many text as you like. Just don't forget the flush method at the end.

Reading from a Text File in Gosu

To read from a text file in gosu we can use the FileReader with Scanner as follows:

using (var scanner = new Scanner(new BufferedReader(new FileReader("<FILENAME>")))) {
  while(scanner.hasNext()) {
    print(scanner.nextLine()) //---Reads a line from the file.
Token Description
FILENAME The target filename to read from.