Creating a New Client and User
Sign in to keycloak admin console using the following address:
Must know a valid credential.
Switch or create a realm that is NOT a master realm (i.e. leave the master realms for keycloak usage only), like the following (i.e. jwtrealm):

Create a new client as follows:
Ensure that OpenID Connect is the Client type.
Provide a Client ID (e.g. jwtclient).
Click the Next button.

Enable the Client authentication.
In the Authentication flow, unselect the standard flow.
Click the Save button.

Create a new user as follows:
Fill-in the username field (e.g. testuser).
Click the Create button.

Click the Credentials tab.
Click the Set password button.
Fill-in the Password field.
Fill-in the Password confirmation field.
Turn-off temporary.
Click the Save button.

Click the Save password button.
Using Postman for Testing
Create a post request to the following address format:
Using the jwtrealm as the TARGET_REALM (i.e. configured in the previous section).
Click the Body tab.
Select x-www-form-url-encoded.
Add the following entries:
Key |
Value |
Comment |
client_id |
jwtclient |
This is the client configured earlier. |
grant_type |
password |
This is for direct access grant type. |
client_secret |
<Client secret> |
This can be found in the jwtclient (i.e. configured earlier) client credentials tab.

scope |
openid |
The openid scope is required; to indicate that the application intends to use OIDC to verify the user's identity. |
username |
testuser |
This is the user configured earlier. |
password |
<password> |
This is the password for the user that is configured earlier. |
Click the Send button.

Success Output
The success output is in the following format.
"access_token": "The access token.",
"expires_in": "Access token expiration.",
"refresh_expires_in": "Refresh token expiration",
"refresh_token": "The refresh token.",
"token_type": "Bearer",
"id_token": "The ID token.",
"not-before-policy": 0,
"session_state": "The session state.",
"scope": "openid profile email"
You paste the encoded token to the following website to decode its content:
Invalid Credential Output
"error": "invalid_grant",
"error_description": "Invalid user credentials"
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