
If you are familiar with package manager of linux (e.g. rpm, apt-get, yum, dpkg, …) or mac (i.e. brew) here is the windows version.

Powershell Behind Proxy (if necessary)
Setting default Powershell TLS Protocol (if necessary)


• Windows 7+ / Windows Server 2003+
• PowerShell v2+
• .NET Framework 4+ (the installation will attempt to install .NET 4.0 if you do not have it installed)

Installation using Powershell

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))

Proxy configuration (if necessary)

choco config set proxy <locationandport>
choco config set proxyUser <username> #optional
choco config set proxyPassword <passwordThatGetsEncryptedInFile> # optional
choco config set proxyBypassList "'<bypasslist, comma separated>'" # optional, Chocolatey v0.10.4 required
choco config set proxyBypassOnLocal true # optional, Chocolatey v0.10.4 required


choco config set proxy http://localhost:8888
choco config set proxyUser bob
choco config set proxyPassword 123Sup#rSecur3
choco config set proxyBypassList "'http://localhost,http://this.location/'" #0.10.4 required
choco config set proxyBypassOnLocal true #0.10.4 required


Displaying the tool capabilities

choco -?

Useful Commands

installInstalls a particular package.
list --local-onlyLists installed packages using chocolatey on local machine.
searchSearches a package availability.
uninstallUninstalls a package.
upgradeUpgrades a package.

Alternative to CLI search command
