For SQL Server, this function calculates the cumulative distribution of a value within a group of values. In other words, CUME_DIST calculates the relative position of a specified value in a group of values. Assuming ascending ordering, the CUME_DIST of a value in row r is defined as the number of rows with values less than or equal to that value in row r, divided by the number of rows evaluated in the partition or query result set


This function returns the rank of each row within a result set partition, with no gaps in the ranking values. The rank of a specific row is one plus the number of distinct rank values that come before that specific row.


Distributes the rows in an ordered partition into a specified number of groups. The groups are numbered, starting at one. For each row, NTILE returns the number of the group to which the row belongs.


Calculates the relative rank of a row within a group of rows in SQL Server 2019 (15.x). Use PERCENT_RANK to evaluate the relative standing of a value within a query result set or partition. PERCENT_RANK is similar to the CUME_DIST function.


Returns the rank of each row within the partition of a result set. The rank of a row is one plus the number of ranks that come before the row in question.


Numbers the output of a result set. More specifically, returns the sequential number of a row within a partition of a result set, starting at 1 for the first row in each partition.

Common Syntax

window_function () OVER clause