Extremely Serious

Month: November 2019 (Page 2 of 2)

Using RSYNC to Sync Some Local Directories to Remote Directory via SSH


  • SSH Server on Remote Computer


To sync some of your local directories to a remote directory via ssh you can use the following syntax:

rsync -av -L --delete -e ssh <DIR1>[[ <DIR2>] <DIRn>] <REMOTE_USER>@<REMOTE_HOST>:<REMOTE_DIR>
Token Description
DIR1, DIR2, DIRn These are the local directories you've wanted to be synced remotely. Only DIR1 is required and the rest are optional.
REMOTE_USER A valid user on the remote machine.
REMOTE_HOST A valid address of the remote machine.
REMOTE_DIR The destination directory on the remote machine.


rsync -av -L --delete -e ssh /data/artifactory backup01@

Create a New Azure Function App with .Net Core by Azure Function Core Tools



  1. Create a directory to house your azure function codes.
  2. Using the command console,  navigate to the newly created directory.
  3. Execute the following command and select dotnet (i.e. usign the arrow keys) and press enter.
    func init

    Wait for the command prompt to come back.

  4. On the new prompt, execute the following command and select the template you want (i.e. using the arrow keys) and press enter.
    func new
  5. Type a name for the function and press enter.
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